PADI Scuba Tune-up Course
Minimum Age for this Course: 15 years old
What does it cover?
PADI Scuba Tune-up Online content is broken down into 8 easy-to-learn sections after an introduction, covering Safe Diving Practices, Dive Planning Fundamentals, Problem Management, Breathing Air at Depth, Dive Computers and Dive Tables, Planning Dives with the RDP, Diving with Enriched Air Nitrox and Diving Skills Review.
Who can benefit from completing the course?
The course is designed for anyone who wants to refresh their dive knowledge. The program is primarily designed for certified divers who wish to return to scuba diving after a period of inactivity, however, it is also a great resource for any diver to brush up.
What are the PADI Scuba Tune-up course prerequisites?
To participate in the practical (in-water) portions of the program, you need to be a certified diver, or a diver undergoing training, at least 10 years old, and fit for diving. Anyone at least 10 years old may enroll in the PADI eLearning Scuba Tune-up online program.
How does it work?
After enrolling, PADI’s eLearning system presents you with interactive presentations that include videos, audio, graphics and reading. Short quizzes let you check understanding of the presented information before moving on. This lets you go through the program efficiently and at your own pace. End-of-section exams verify your mastery of the entire topic and are automatically scored.
What else is required to complete the course?
While PADI Scuba Tune-up Online does not necessarily require that any training dives in confined or open water take place, it makes sense to refresh both your knowledge and skills. Be sure and discuss the options you have for completing the practical elements with your local PADI Dive Center or Resort to maximize the benefit of completing the PADI Scuba Tune-up Online.
What does it cost?
The course fee for PADI Scuba Tune-up Online is $50 (US), non-refundable.
How long do you have to complete the eLearning course?
The eLearning course will be available for one year from the time of course registration.
What is the minimum amount of time it will take to complete this eLearning program?
If all information is reviewed, the PADI Scuba Tune-Up online will take approximately 5 hours to complete.
How do you document that you’ve completed the eLearning segment?
Once you finish the eLearning portion of the course, your dive center is notified that you have completed it and that you are ready for the practical phase of the program, if there is going to be one. If you are going to participate in a practical phase at the end of the eLearning program, you can print out your eRecord and bring a copy of it with you to your selected PADI Dive Center or Resort.